3 Quotes & Sayings By Eva Heller

Eva Heller spent her school years in Israel and Germany. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina, majoring in German Literature with a minor in Communications. She has traveled throughout Europe, Asia and Africa and lived in Germany for six years. She has been married for over thirty-five years, to a man from Germany Read more

They have three adult children and live in Columbia, South Carolina.

We wish you everything you wish yourself' Jurgen said.' What do you wish yourself?' Birgit asked. I felt silly 'I don't really have any specific wishes''a new old man perhaps?' Juliet said playfully'but please, not just any old man! ' I said.'of course not just any old man! The man with whom it'll all be different. Eva Heller
Outside the seasons passed: sun, snow, spring green, October storms. was this a vision of my future? When would the shunning hero come, to set the clock if my life in motion again? Would he come some morning, or in the night? In April or December? This year? Next year? I shuddered. No, I wouldn't just sit and wait. I wanted to go out.  Maybe there were new men out there, better men, men who'd just been waiting for me. Somewhere someone is always waiting for someone. Eva Heller